We all have limiting beliefs that keep us from reaching our goals and even dreaming our dreams. When I was twelve, I had a conversation with an adviser about my desire to be a professional piano player when I grew up. I was told if I wanted that I should have started years ago, I…
Author: K.S. Brixey
All Things Good
We can only imagine what the beginning of man’s existence was like and to this day no one has been able to verify exactly what happened to create the planet but we do know that at some point the earth took on form and was filled with light. I believe the Genesis 1 account, “In the…
Battle Buddies
It’s not always about you. I struggled for years with the whole idea of yoga because of the spiritual implications. “Was practicing yoga going to somehow slap my God in the face because of its false teachings and false worship?,” I wondered. I talked to many spiritual leaders that I trusted and never really got…
Who Is My Enemy?
Research suggests that our western culture is doing us a great injustice by our preoccupation with independence. I will be exploring this topic in great detail over the next few months but for now let me emphasize that we need connection. Our social environments play a key role in our mental health. In Lost Connections,…
Where You Find Yourself
This point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, is the most solemn time of the year. Although the days are getting longer, they are still not longer than the nights. It is still dark before dinner and getting up before the sun in the morning, doesn’t mean you got up early. The good news is…
How to Build a Winter Salad, Part 1
I may not be excited about it getting cold outside but I am excited about having my tower inside for the winter. Curious is more like it. Last time I had an indoor garden, I used hydroponics and tried to grow tomatoes and peppers. None of my tomatoes formed any fruit and I think I…
On Target to a Healthy BMI: Here’s My Plan
My October goal is met. I am on target for reaching my ideal BMI (click link to find yours) by the new year. I didn’t have a specific number in mind for October but I wanted to see progress every week. I wanted to figure out what I needed to do to lose the extra…
How to Prepare Healthy Food for One
Cooking for one can be challenging but you don’t have to compromise healthy food to do it. The key to cooking healthy meals for one or eight is the same; the key is planning. This simple dry erase board on the refrigerator is a great way to set your intentions for the next day….
Ninja Noodles
Last month I posted about Good Fuel, sounds simple right? To be healthy, eat what is good for you and your body will do the rest. It is simple: put good food in your mouth, don’t put bad food in your mouth. “Then, why is it so hard?” she screams. I spend my day trying…
Where Do You Fit?
I tried to outline my novel on one neat roll but it was longer than my house was wide. It is getting to be such a complicated story, With time shifting and all, I really need two timelines. One for the story to progress and one for the chronological order of actual events. It can…