Moving into a new house is like redesigning your life. After the old residents are gone and hopefully, removed all their crap and cleaned up after themselves, you walk into some brand new space. Every room, every nook and cranny, is full of fresh possibilities.
You Get to Choose
Just like your life, you get to choose what you are going to move into that space and how your are going arranged it. You also, if you didn’t before you bought the house, get to decide who is going to live there with you and who you are going to let in and who you are going to keep out.
I just moved into a new house and my daughter and I spent two weeks designing the living room. I am keeping my old house as a second home and was not moving any of the old furniture except for my piano. So for a few days all I had in the living room was my piano and a couple folding chairs to sit on. I got to imagine what I was going to bring along with me, what I was going to leave behind, and what new things I wanted to bring into my home.
What Do I Need in My House?
I had two requirements in mind as we designed the new space:
- It had to be comfortable
- It had to be open and uncluttered
To accomplish number one, we finally ended up at LaZboy and found the most comfortable recliner and reclining sofas I’ve every owned. To accomplish number two, I decided nothing would come into this new house that didn’t have a place and a purpose. It had to fulfill a need or add unequivocal joy to my life.
What Brings You Joy?
Here is where designing your new home is like designing a new life. I get to choose what from my old home is going to come with me to my new home. You get to choose what from your past you are going to bring with you to your future. What from your past has a place and a purpose in your new Now life? What from your past by bringing it into your present brings you unequivocal joy Now?
Going to back to my old house, I was surprised at all the clutter we had accumulated in only two years. It just felt yucky every time I went back there. I am busy weeding out all the yucky stuff in that house and only keeping that which has a place, a purpose, and brings joy to that home.
What Helps You Create Your Dream life?
As I design my new home, my new life, I am vigilant about seeking and bringing into my life only those things that have a place in my new design. The things that help me reach my goals and dreams. I am only investing my time and energy in the things that bring fulfillment and purpose to my life Now. Even if it had brought joy in the past, letting go of anything that no longer serves its purpose. I am only holding on to things and people from my past that bring me joy or have purpose in my Now.
You get to choose who and what you invest your time and energy and space on. You don’t have to hold on to people in your life that consistently bring you misery and pain. You don’t have to let past hurts and trauma define your life today. You choose what to hold on to and how to hold on to it. Only you can design the life you want to live and only you can hold on to or let go of the things that don’t belong in the life you are designing now.