“Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.” — unknown, but every kid everywhere.
Oh the lies we tell ourselves because words really can hurt and once they come out of our mouths they have repercussions. But not all repercussions are unwelcomed. Words have consequences and putting a word out into the universe reverberates and comes back to you like a boomerang. So choosing a word that you want to repeat over and over throughout the year can bring the magic of a rippling effect.
Word Power
Last year, I picked the word release. I wrote it in my journal on day one. I set an intention to release material stuff, bitterness, and limiting beliefs. I forgot about it but I worked a lot on release through the first half of the year. About August I was having a really difficult emotional time and I remember struggling to release it. A word from a previous year came to mind, Magnanimous. My son remembered it, too, because I had written that word all over my house. He said, “Just be Magnanimous, isn’t that your word of the year?” No that was last year. So I went to my journal to see what my word of the year was. Release. It was so interesting that that word had been part of my play plan throughout the year. I had been decluttering both physically and mentally. I had been releasing my hold on so many things that had been weighing me down for years. Just seeing that word again helped me release the grip this emotional struggle held on me.
Word Magic
This year. I chose the word, Magic. The word seems to line up nicely with this year’s Chinese zodiac, Year of the Dragon, which means the year of possibilities and challenges. Magic means to influence the course of events by mysterious forces. It might come in handy as I face the challenges of the year. Magic is defined as “a quality that is removed from everday life, especially in a way that gives delight.” It is about thriving not just surviving. Magic is “to move, change, or create as if by supernatural powers.” I am so excited to see how this word manifests in my life over the course of the year.
Word Momentum
Resonating with a word and then repeating it like a mantra for a whole year can be a really powerful experience. I don’t know how the words come to me but somewhere late in the year they seem to grab hold of my spirit and eventually one sticks. If you want to hear what other words people have chosen for 2024, listen to “What’s Your Word” on Chris and Gena Maselli’s Writing Momentum podcast. You will get lots of ideas and see the momentum that choosing a word can make in whatever direction you want 2024 to go. You might hear them talk about my word a little bit, too!
Word Power
Words are powerful and you don’t have to wait around for someone else to decide how they will hurt or help you. Pick yourself a power word for 2024. Write it down, speak it out, let it resonant within you and vibrate out into the world around you. It’s Magic!