Survive then Thrive
Once we survive, you have enough to eat, shelter, and are safe, then I think the most important thing you can do is figure out who you are. Having people accept you for your true self can’t happen until you know yourself. Although, having someone else accept you is not the best goal in life.
Who You Are
Knowing yourself is one of the greatest goals in life. Being able to be yourself begins there. How do you know yourself? People make this way too hard. Ethan Hawke says, “It’s actually super easy. You just have to follow your love. If you get close to what you love, who you are is revealed to you.”
If you get close to what you love, who you are is revealed to you.
– Ethan Hawke
Expecting Less Is More
When you know and act as your true self, if someone acknowledges that, it’s sweet. But expecting that out of people every time is setting yourself up for a miserable life. Just enjoy those sacred moments when they happen and then get back to what you love, being and knowing your true self.