Creative Flow
Are you plagued by procrastination, distraction, or stagnation? Is your creative energy block affecting your health and happiness?
I felt like I was running in circles. I had so many ideas but couldn’t get them organized enough to make an impact. I felt like my house was imploding on itself and clutter and unfinished projects began to pile up.
I was listening to a business podcaster talk about Feng Shui. It’s a Chinese art of harmonizing individuals with their surrounding environment. If your feng shui is off, then the energy that should be flowing in and out of your life is blocked and can cause many symptoms including a decrease in your creativity.
The first thing he suggested was to turn your desk so you are looking at the door. My desk was facing the wall because I thought it would be nice to look out the window and that meant my back was to the door. My desk was covered with piles of unfinished projects and papers that needed to be filed. It overflowed to boxes on the floor nearby and out into the next room.
My kitchen was cluttered with dishes and kitchen appliances that I didn’t have room for in my cabinets. My dresser and every other flat surface was stacked high with junk like a game of pick up sticks. My clothes were piled on the floor and not just the bedroom floor. Looking back, it seems like stacks and piles were just a theme that ran through my whole house.
I decided to reorient my desk. I turned it 180 degrees. At first, I thought it would take up too much space in the room. I was just going to try it for a few days but the minute I sat down, I felt the power. I looked out into the middle of the room toward the door and felt in command. Even my son made a comment about how omnipotent it felt.
My favorite part of having the desk turned toward the door is walking behind the desk to work. I step into this magical space like walking into a vortex of powerful ley lines. I am more focused, more efficient, and so much more productive.
The energy in the room began to flow. I started sorting and shredding and filing and organizing. Not just in my office but in my kitchen and bedroom. I felt this energy of creativity explode every time I sat down at my desk to create. I started completing projects and letting go of projects. I started moving objects and letting go of possessions that didn’t bring me joy or energy any more.
I started adapting some Feng Shui to other areas of my home. Using orientation, lighting, and organizing techniques to affect the flow of the energy in those spaces. Being more in harmony with my surrounding environment makes me feel more in harmony with the universe. Whether scientifically proven or not, I have already noticed the difference in many areas of my life.
If you want to add some Feng Shui into your life, begin in one small space and then let the energy it creates expand outward from there. The cosmic energy it creates is said to improve health, wealth, happiness, long life, family, and relationships.